Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014


Created by ASERSI Group
·       Adithia Pratama                    (20211201)
·       Eko Budi Santoso                  (22211376)
·       M. Riadhi Arisyi                    (24211942)
·       Teguh Tri Utomo                   (27211066)
·       Wisnu Keyren Okta Visier   (28211276)

1. Is this ethical problem by case
a) Pesticide plant so many people who build huts around the plant.
b) Chairman eliminate money for several years
c) No organization structured to handle a disaster
d) The management company failed to give counseling to the communities around
2. Is illegal doctrine of "limited" applies to protect the shareholders of union carbide corportion
Not applied to protect shareholders because the company's debt was swelling up to $1 billion and this causes the shareholders had suffered losses. This is because the company’s managers had failed to warn them of the risk at the Indian plant.
3. Is the Indian operation, which is being overseen by the manager of the union carbide
corporation (USA) in accordance with the law or moral standards or ethical?
Is not appropriate because the company Union Carbide India Ltd. has not met the legal and ethical standards that have been set by the parent company. Therefore, many events - unexpected events occur in the plant due to the negligence of employees and the lack of training provided and because the majority of employees are illiterate so do not know the dangers of chemical pesticides are used. And lead to catastrophic burning storage tanks.

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