Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014

Tugas Nama Kelompok Softskill Etika Profesi Akuntansi


Assertions is a management statement contained in the components of the financial statements. The reason why we chose the name of the group assertion  are:
1.     Because the term is unique and same as with our group members
2.     One of important component in the process of auditing
3.     Simple but great significance

Assertions group consisting of :
·       Adithia Pratama                     (20211201)
·       Eko Budi Santoso                   (22211376)
·       M. Riadhi Arisyi                    (24211942)
·       Teguh Tri Utomo                    (27211066)
·       Wisnu Keyren Okta Visier     (28211276)

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